Slider / banery top - przeznaczony przede wszystkim na top strony, jednak możliwy do użycia również w treści. Baner ma wysokość 650px (wersja medium), na mobilnych ekranach 400 px.
Featured Video
Element Featured video ma na desktopie 650 px wysokości, na mobilnych ekranach 400 px.
Nagłówek 1 poziomu
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Slider w treści
Zachowuje się jednakowo jak w topie: na rozdzielczości desktop 650 px wysokości, na ekranach mobilnych 400 px.
Blok boxes
Artist Profile
Stanislaw Borowski
The top artist in the world, his works are mostly collected by celebrities, famous museums and personal collectors. As a famous Polish glass artist, Stanislaw Borowski was born in France in 1944, and founded the Borowski Glass-Studio in 1990.
As head of this Studio, comparing to other artists in this team, Stanislaw Borowski, the respected senior, is inclined to more realistic and concrete subjects in life, all these delicate glass artworks which can be elaborated hundreds of times demonstrate his observation and thought about life.
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Box title
The top artist in the world, his works are mostly collected by celebrities, famous museums and personal collectors. As a famous Polish glass artist, Stanislaw Borowski was born in France in 1944, and founded the Borowski Glass-Studio in 1990.
Second box title
As head of this Studio, comparing to other artists in this team, Stanislaw Borowski, the respected senior, is inclined to more realistic and concrete subjects in life, all these delicate glass artworks which can be elaborated hundreds of times demonstrate his observation and thought about life.
Rich text
The top artist in the world, his works are mostly collected by celebrities, famous museums and personal collectors. As a famous Polish glass artist, Stanislaw Borowski was born in France in 1944, and founded the Borowski Glass-Studio in 1990. As head of this Studio, comparing to other artists in this team, Stanislaw Borowski, the respected senior, is inclined to more realistic and concrete subjects in life, all these delicate glass artworks which can be elaborated hundreds of times demonstrate his observation and thought about life.
Teoretycznie rich tekst wyglada ok, gdy jest dluzszy tekst. Gdy jest malo tekstu to wszystko wydaje sie zbyt male, zbyt drobne w szczegolnosci na desktop. Oczywiscie mamy Boxes prostokat ktory ma duzy font i lepiej sie rozklada. Dlatego teoretycznie mozna by polegac na Boxes ale mimo wszystko wydaje mi sie ze moze sie przydac.
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(Tekst jest wyśrodkowany, bo to jednak jest box)
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Box foto z treścią
Stanislaw Borowski
The top artist in the world, his works are mostly collected by celebrities, famous museums and personal collectors. As a famous Polish glass artist, Stanislaw Borowski was born in France in 1944, and founded the Borowski Glass-Studio in 1990.
Baner kolekcji (Featured image)
Baner, który jest stosowany w kolekcjach - obraz jest skalowany - zawsze jest widoczny w całości. Dodatkowo ma drugi wariant dla wersji mobilnej (proporcje zbliżone do kwadratu).